Barry’s Bootcamp is an international fitness phenomenon, which has pioneered the boutique fitness sector since its founder Barry Jay opened his first studio in Los Angeles in 1998. Credited as “The Best Workout in the World™” Barry’s combines High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on treadmills, with strength training using free weights, resistance bands and more. As Chris Barley, Studio Manager at Barry’s Bootcamp in Canary Wharf explains:
“Barry Jay wanted to merge the experience of being out at a night club, having a party and a great time with a physical work out.”
As a result, Barry’s Bootcamp classes are held in dimly lit, atmospheric red studios with motivating playlists on a nightclub spec sound system which helps push participants to their maximum.
A key element of the Barry’s Bootcamp experience is the Fuel Bar at each studio, which offers clients a wide range of delicious and nutritious non-dairy fruit shakes to help them rehydrate and recover after each class. Clients can choose from tempting sounding shakes like ‘Miami Mango Madness’, ‘Barry’s Big Banana’ or the popular ‘PB&J’, shake which captures the flavours of the American favourite – a peanut butter and jam sandwich.

All ingredients in the shakes served at the Fuel Bar are supplied by organic fruit and vegetable distributor Wholegood, as National Accounts Manager Alex Gawne explains:
“Just over a year ago we won the tender to supply Barry’s Bootcamp with all the ingredients for their Fuel Bars in the UK, including all their frozen fruits, their non-dairy milks, as well as ingredients like spirulina and chia seeds.”
A delicious shake or smoothie relies on quality fresh ingredients, like those provided by Wholegood, but a quality commercial blender is also crucial as Alex soon discovered:
“Not long after we started working with Barry’s we identified an issue with their existing blender which just wasn’t up to the task. We therefore researched the market and as a result have recently installed three new Vitamix ‘The Quiet One’ blenders. These were supplied by Jestic, who worked with us and Barry’s to optimise the blending programmes for the Fuel Bar shakes.”
The introduction of the Vitamix blenders has seen a reduction in blend times, and an improvement in the consistency of the shakes, much to the delight of studio manager, Chris Barley:
“When I first joined Barry’s I actually recommended Vitamix having used them in a previous role. Our Vitamix ‘The Quiet One’ blenders have performed brilliantly. The jugs are fantastic for a start, not just in the way they are built, but because they have curved edges that means the smoothie blends a lot faster. I would definitely recommend Vitamix to other businesses.”