Supplied in the UK by Jestic Foodservice Solutions


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Enquire about Vitamix

About Us

Built for outstanding durability and versatility, Vitamix products are the first choice of foodservice operators, restaurateurs and bartenders worldwide.

Built to last

For more than 70 years, Vitamix has designed and manufactured quality engineered, high performance blenders that deliver exceptional results. Vitamix products maximise uptime and save you money over the life of your machine, where every component is designed and built for outstanding performance and unsurpassed durability.

Do more with less

Our blenders grind spices, chop salsas, purée root vegetables, emulsify dressings, heat sauces…should we keep going? One blender that can take the place of multiple tools means more space in your kitchen. And as kitchens shrink to add tables to the dining room, every inch counts.

A strong investment

With Vitamix, you don’t have to cross your fingers and hope your blender will last through one more service. From prep to close, opening night to last call, silky emulsions to chunky salsas and everything in between, Vitamix machines excel at repeated, heavy usage.

Give us your toughest ingredients; we’re not afraid of a challenge. Our comprehensive approach to premium design means that our machines stand up to heavy use day after day. Because when the entire system works together, and every component is chosen for its superior quality, those components don’t have to work so hard. They work longer instead.